When applying for a job, a designer's résumé is of utmost importance. This is precisely what should be attention-grabbing and creatively designed. This portrays the level of creativity and also aids in standing out from the rest who also happen to be applying for the same position. We hope that these creative résumés will inspire and encourage you to think out of the box and redesign your application papers with sucess.
To help you get ready for your job interview, you can read
here to find out how to prepare well.
We’re going to show you how to design your résumé, and if you want to learn more about the areas that you can improve during your
job search, make sure to check out the
Job Hunting Guide.
Don't forget to stay creative. Good luck!
Unusual Résumés
Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket
Attraction is the standard. This quote fulfills the requirements of attraction and represents a gorgeous work of art:
Matthew Villalovos
What a catalogue of foods. Are you inspired from it? Of course this menu style résumé is full of lavishness and offers a thorough presentation:
Francis Homo
This unique style of a résumé shows the human mind supremacy of thinking out of the box. If truth be told this unique résumé is full of smart veins and fresh blood:
Chuck D Lay Résumé
Incomparable style of work which shows the worth and skills of the artist:
Joe Kelso presents...!
Here the artist presents a wonderful job hunting style in this résumé. This unique kind of résumé is a masterpiece of work:
Résumé by Pau Morgan
Creatively designed résumé that looks eye-catching and attracts the whole attention of all:
Google Earth Résumé
This is a Google earth oriented résumé. It is spread on the earth map and shows the density around the globe:
Résumé by Arianedenise
What an album! This best style résumé is a masterwork of stylish thinking:
Wakuda Studio Résumé
This is a Wakuda Studio résumé and shows the irresistible uniformity of military cloak. Looks very appealing:
Visual Résumé
Infographics are the used most when trying to portray smart representations. In this résumé an infographic is used to show all the contents in an instant:
Résumé by Adam Stephenson
This résumé has been created by Adam Stephenson and shows the beauty of vintage style:
Résumé by Anna Yenina
This is a combination of affectionate letters and presents the lovely thoughts of artist in a visual nutshell:
Personal Résumé Draft by Steven Duncan
This is one of the most creative styles of creating your résumé. This elegant résumé represents the artistic approach of the artist and gives you the idea what level of creativity you can expect from him:
Curriculum Vitae by 802.11
A unique way to describe the whole professional life and growth in a visual nutshell. This resume not only gives the employer visual treat but also inform him about the learning ladder of the artist he is going to hire:
Work Résumé
A simple yet very comprehensive and detailed résumé that lets the employer know all the capabilities and skills of the designer. This résumé also demonstrates the level of creativity the artist possesses:
Tudor Deleanu's Résumé
This is the perfect example of an eye-catching and attention grabbing résumé. This résumé represents the life of the artist in different blocks that is easy for the employer to skim through:
2004 Résumé
Machines embody the perfection and this résumé and shows the employer that s/he can expect nothing else but initiative ideas from the artist:
Stepl Am Knotts
Another visually compelling, detailed artistic résumé explaining the key attributes of the artist:
Origami Résumé
This origami résumé looks visually stunning representing the irresistible compactness of the artist throughout their work:
Joshua Drummond
This comic book résumé is a unique way to produce the simplicity of style and shows the best depiction in its kind:
F. J. Garcia
This is a comic strip résumé that leads to Spanish art. The artist made good effort to show his denseness:
Visual Résumé by Oona
This is a rough draft résumé on paper representing the creative approach and innovative thinking of the artist:
Sean McNally
This masterpiece résumé is created in gaming character style and shows the creative connotation of the artist:
Federico Moral
Creativity is the most significant part of any design. This unique résumé shows the creativity of the artist. This is truly a work of creativity:
Jonathan Kaczynski
This transit style map is very stylish and shows the artist know-how about the transit significance. This precise résumé illustrates the transit of life as well:
Facebook Replica Résumé
What a unique format that is full of style and loveliness. This facebook replica résumé is a powerful presentation of the artist's approach of the candidate:
T-shirt Résumés
Here is a really artistic approach.In this résumé the artist has created a unique style of representation:
Life Chart Résumé
The artist shows his worth in shape of a chart. What a movement! You cannot ignore it at all:
Curriculum Vitae by Mistis
No escape from vintage! This vintage style résumé is best for hunting any job and shows the artist's density as well:
Urban Art Résumé
This urban art résumé is a masterpiece which is exactly an album of the artist's potentials as well:
H. SercanTunali Résumé
The Earth is round and if someone keeps trying to find a job, he will meet his success again and again. This global representation of a résumé is a masterpiece:
Aamir Shah Résumé
What a style of mechanic thinking. This beautiful résumé is a folder which is a great approach by the artist:
Jean Francois Résumé
A gorgeous design that shows the beauty of the thoughts by its creator:
Christiano Pires
A résumé which has been created with the help of personal belongings and shows the abilities of the artist:
Curriculum Vitae by Fransanchez
Power of red can be demonstrable and so the artist produces a sharp colored résumé to hunt
the job:
2009 Résumé SID Santos
This unique style résumé is created on a paper cup and illustrates the diversity of the artist's mind:
Résumé Passport
A passport styled résumé which is full of contents and shows the concrete official style of work:
Résumé by Kelly Haller
What a classy résumé! One can't ignore this unique and creative style:
Very creative designs :)
Yes, very beautifull. But when agencies ask for your “Word” version, everything disapear!!
What do you think about mine, displayed on the Facebook profile?
facebook.com/claudio.nader :)
Haha these are amazing, I would love to create my own, some of them are really great!
I dont particularly like these. A good resume should be concise and easy to read.
Most of these, while showing creative flair are confusing and difficult to follow.
I was thinking about this, too. I am currently in the process of applying for a job and usually go with the “easy-to-read-and-concise” style. It’s in the portfolio section where I show off my creative skills.
I am no friend of designers who get lost in their crazy ideas. Graphic Design is always about communicating an idea to someone else. If this idea is hidden unreadable in the design, the designer has failed at the communication part.
But hey, it’s also always good to stand out from the crowd. Little things can achieve so much.
These resumes are remarkable designs. Not resumes. Terrible usability.
Totally agree. I’ve received resumes like this before and just delete them immediately. Design isn’t about how much you can cram on a page and how much texture you can apply to elements. Yikes.
Agreed. None of these actually achieve their objective. All of the design elements distract from the content that a reader will be looking for and they completely miss the their target. If I want a portfolio, I’ll ask for it. A resume is not the place for such self-indulgent creative license.
I completely agree, but only for certain job types. If you are a graphic designer or package designer or an art director – yes make your resume cool, but do not over do it. If it is hard to read, then it proves you have a lack of skill. If done correctly – BRAVO! As for other jobs, like I am scratching and clawing to get a job in copywriting, I use my skill, the power of words. I use it where I believe it to be best, in my cover letter. I know many other students from school who felt the need to make their resumes slap-stick-esque. I realized it was fluff. They had no relevant experience and needed to smoke and mirrors to explain why they worked in retail.
I agree too! These resumes would give anyone really reading them (as opposed to glancing at designs) a headache. In fact one of my bosses when I working at a famous music magazine told me that because he gets SO many resumes he immediately gets rid of anyone who tries to show he’s Picasso in the resume, just as a way to weed out the annoying people and lower the number of resumes he has to look at.
Perhaps people create resumes like this to avoid having to work for idiots like your boss?
Was thinking the same, some are stylish but only a few are right to the point. the CV should lead the reads from the first point right though the important things right to the last point, most just look nice and those who do have a method of going from point to point are way to long, yea im talking to u Joshua Drummond.
great inspiration indeed….tough to pic favorites, but liked oona’s & mathew villalovos’ the most…will try to make my own, one day, if time permits…
Are you being serious? Most of those examples are very badly designed, poor typography and layout let alone un-legible. It sets a false bar for creatives applying for jobs if this is their reference. Arnt we taught, don’t design for designs sake. What ever happened to drool worthy type setting…
I totally agree! I wouldn’t hire any of these cake icing designers. Horrendous Typography. With that said Chuck D Lay Résumé almost works.
I’m glad someone else mentioned this… There are some neat ideas, but as a whole the type (and particularly kerning) is sorely lacking!
+1 – I’m not a designer, I see good ideas, but terrible lack of skills…
Come on guys, it’s creative fun, it’s a great post, whether people adopt these ideas is upto them but don’t stop them from thinking outside the box!
They might be great fun and I like looking at them, but oh gosh I don’t really want to read them. People looking at resumes want facts up front straight away. I think there’s a middle ground…we can make gorgeous resumes (I’m totally inspired to redo my boring one), but also keep it highly readable.
Those are amazing! I need to make one like this
Most of these resumes are impossible to read. They put fancy design ahead of simple communication. Sorry, I wouldn’t give most of these a second look.
Bookmarked, thanks!!
looks very good