Noupe Editorial Team March 19th, 2012

The beauty of Urban Decay and Destruction Photography Collection

One truth for many seekers of inspiration is that a haunting beauty can sometimes be found in the wake of ruin. This is why so many photographers partake in urban exploration to fill their portfolios. Because in the destruction wrought from age, nature, and the devastating hands of war, photographers find some of their most engaging and emotive subjects. This brings us to our current photography showcase.

Below is a collection of breathtaking urban decay and destruction photography that is sure to inspire and move you. These talented photographers have used a range of effects and methods to give their subjects the impact they were aiming for, and they have all done so with stunning results.

Urban Decay and Destruction


Abandoned Architecture

Gray and Black Wooden Wall

Lost Places

Inside of Building

Destroyed Area

Metallic Door

Photo of Building


Brick House

Brick Wall

Empty Building


Rustic interior




Old House

Photo of Abandoned Building

Aged Building

Decayed Bus

Abandoned shining

Abandoned & Broken Building

Decayed Green Chairs

Empty Abandoned Factory

An Abandoned Wooden House

Noupe Editorial Team

The jungle is alive: Be it a collaboration between two or more authors or an article by an author not contributing regularly. In these cases you find the Noupe Editorial Team as the ones who made it. Guest authors get their own little bio boxes below the article, so watch out for these.


  1. On condition that I provide full links + credit+ a post about the team and the photos, I hope it’s okay if I use some of these photos, unchanged, as inspiration for a set of flash fiction short stories to be published only on my blog for only the personal enjoyment for others and no profit whatsoever.

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