The Ultimate Collection of Professional Free Fonts
As designers we're always looking for new fonts to integrate into our designs. Adding new fonts to your library can often help inspire you, giving a fresh feel to your designs. Unfortunately it can be really hard to locate quality free fonts amidst the thousands of mediocre ones.
Luckily we've compiled a comprehensive list of professional free fonts to enhance your designs. We've left out all the 'filler' fonts you find in a lot of roundups, so that every font below is really high quality and applicable.
The Fonts
Maven Pro
Thanks for helping to clear that up Rob. I just wanted to add that often offer premium fonts, with one version of the font for $0 (as a kind of trial). If you look at the price area on the pages I linked to it should say something like ’14 buying options, from $0′. If you then go to the buying page simply scan down to the $0 version of the font. For example: I thought it was right to still include these fonts even if they only have one free version, as they’re such high quality.
Feel free to let me know if you guys have any further issues and I’ll be quick to reply, but as Rob says FilmoType Horizon should be the only font that isn’t free (and it was when I wrote the article).
Great bunch…but Filmotype isn’t free…even if it was when you wrote the article. Bummer to get all excited about a free font and then to feel confused…and then disappointed. Why not just update the article?
Okay, I know, I’m being redundant. ;-)
Nice list – some ugly fonts, lots of nice ones. There is one free font that I am very eh, fond of, which is Ubuntu. It has a public license and is available in a lot of weights. And it’s drop dead gorgeous. it’s at
So wonderful selections. Great choice of fonts. “COLABORATE” is so good… and “CODE PRO” is not free…in this link..
Thanks a lot for sharing this great collection:-)
thanks for the great compilation.
code pro bold and code pro light is free. not code pro regular. so its partly free.
Thank you for making this compilation. Your effort is much appreciated.
Whoa! These are terrific. I was able to find most of these on initially, but a few of these I have never seen before. Thank you so much!