Data Management

What Is Data Management?

Ninety-five percent of C-suite executives list data management as key to business strategy. Data management allows business leaders to leverage the data they collect from customers ...

Business Online
Paul Leslie

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rate

As an email marketer, your no. 1 goal is to boost your open rates and get people to click through that awesome content you create. While good copywriting techniques will help, there are ...

B2C Marketing
Business Online

B2C Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

No business-to-consumer (B2C) company could survive —never mind thrive— without doing some kind of marketing. B2C marketing, which differs from business-to-business (B2B) marketing in ...

Lead Generation
Business Online

Lead Generation

Lead generation is a critical step in the marketing process, but more important, it’s fundamental to business growth. In fact, a study by Marketo showed that companies with sound lead ...

Inventory management
Business Online

Inventory Management

What is inventory management? As you’ll learn throughout this guide, it’s the core of any product-based business. It’s also a process that involves ordering, storing, and making use of ...

how to sell stock photos
Business Online
Noupe Editorial Team

How to Sell Stock Photos

If you are interested in photography, and you think you are good at it, you can earn a passive income by selling stock photos. How to sell stock photos is the first question that comes ...