Dieter Petereit

Cartoon: No Sponsored Posts

This is a hot topic in a row of corners around the globe. While some audiences have absolutely no problem with sponsored content as long as it is declared properly, others rage and ...

Denis Potschien

Noupe Site Check: Bloomberg

News portals don’t always seem to be receptive to contemporary design and the use of new technologies such as HTML5 or CSS3. Often, a fixed layout is used, only supporting the ...

Chris Heilmann

The Full Stack Overflow Developer

In a few talks and interviews I lamented about a phenomenon in our market that’s always been around, but seems to be rampant by now: the one of the full Stack Overflow ...

Dieter Petereit

Cartoon: The Perfect Web Designer

Are you a professional designer or developer? I know a more professional one than you will ever be able to become. This guy has literally been born to build the web. He needs not even ...