Denis Potschien

Optimizing Web Fonts Made Easy

There’s no doubt that web fonts are an enormous enrichment for web design, and it has become hard to image it without them. After all, web fonts were what ended the uniform ...

Denis Potschien

Survey: Typographic Trends 2016

What’s popular regarding typography right now? Extensis, a provider of app solutions for font management, has conducted a survey in the creative scene and has come to impressive ...

Denis Potschien

Blisk: The Browser for Developers

Nowadays, all modern browsers are equipped with extensive developer tools. Among other things, they help you check HTML and CSS, as well as debug JavaScript. They also allow you to have ...

Cartoon: In Ten Years From Now
Dieter Petereit

Cartoon: In Ten Years From Now

Today I refuse to work with any new tool that takes more than a little effort to learn it. The reason is simple. In the last 25 years of building web experiences for clients, I have ...