
Chandresh Patel

What’s New in Laravel 8?

Laravel 6 was launched in September 2019, Laravel 7 arrived in March 2020 and Laravel 8 is here already. It won’t be an aggravation to say that nothing grew and moved forward while the ...

Maksym Babych

Design of Healthcare App

Health is one of the major concerns of today’s world. We are living in a fast-paced world where going to the gym every day seems a challenge. But tracking one’s health ...

Radhika Sethi

Ed Tech Apps: A New Boom

Education is the foundation of a nation’s workforce development and overall economic growth and prosperity. Furthermore, today, the education sector remains on the cusp of a ...

Katie Miles

How to Improve your Website’s Speed

If you’re wondering why your website conversion rate is painfully low after investing a lot of time (and money) into it, then you probably haven’t considered its page speed. Did you ...